(old) Policies

As of April 16, 2024 this page is retired. The current policy page can be found here. We are leaving this up for now so anyone can compare the old and new policies. If you have any questions about the changes, please reach out to SerenitySwimming@gmail.com

Policies and Procedures

Communication is key!

I know this isn't the exciting stuff, but please read

Please have swimmers use the bathroom prior to the lesson. Any fecal or vomit into the pool will result in pool needing to be closed and remainder of lesson canceled with no reschedule. Avoid feeding a full meal or foods that can upset their stomach prior to lesson.

You are responsible for yourself and any child not with instructor during a swim lesson. The instructor's focus is on the swimmer being taught and not others. For lessons at Hood College, children not with the instructor should not be in the pool (including pool stairs); this will allow children to be ready for their lesson (not cold or tired) and prevent distracting their siblings and others in the pool. Children (and adults) should also not be playing on the stair handrail and keep the stair area exit area free. After the lesson ends at Hood College, the student needs to exit the pool; they are not allowed to stay in the pool after. When at Hood College, please be respectful of others.

If a lesson needs to be canceled or rescheduled, please provide at least 48 hours notice. Otherwise we will need to charge for the lesson. 

The exception is sickness and weather; no charge. Sickness cancelations should be made as soon as possible, no later than 2 hour prior to lessons. If you are canceling for sickness (using the within 48 hour no charge), no lessons for 72 hours will be permitted; if sick, the body needs time to recover. If excessive sickness (more than 50% within a season), we will need to consider waiting until their health is better for swim lessons; or have a cancelation fee of $20/lesson; this is not desired and will not effect most families.

No show lessons will be charged in full; multiple no shows will result in your time slot being given up. It is helpful to cancel lessons for vacations/ parties/ events/ etc as soon as they are determined so it doesn't end up on the last minute to do list (and forgotten)- and also gives us time to adjust scheduling. 

Swim lessons when sick is hard for the swimmer; runny noses make it hard for nose bubbles and breathing. So please cancel when sick. If the swimmer or family members/ close contacts has COVID, the flu or other illness, please cancel. It is the right thing to do. Families have been very responsible and respectful with regards to sickness and we really appreciate it. Likewise, respecting your family's health is important to us and lessons will not be taught when an instructor is sick. If an instructor is sick, you will be notified ASAP; if an alternative instructor is available you will be asked if you would prefer to cancel or have the the instructor.

Unfavorable weather: if either swimmer or instructor declares the weather unsuitable, please communicate this and we will reschedule. If storms are possible, we can stay in communication and decide as it gets close; typically about an hour before. Light rain is fine. For indoor lessons, thunder/lighting will still close the pool; lifeguards are monitoring and will close the pool as needed. Please be respectful of their decisions. For outdoor lessons, if a thunderstorm or heavy rains occur during a lesson, the lesson will end early for safety. The remaining time will be added to future lessons, rescheduled or other agreed outcome- generally based on what is best for the child. Weather is monitored closely via looking/listening, 2-3 weather reports, and lightning detector app. 

Canceling scheduled lessons frequently is not desired and will result in a $20 fee after the first warning. Vacation and random activities canceling lessons is expected and once you know when, please cancel using the scheduling platform. Examples of frequently canceling: 3 times in 2 weeks, more than 50% of scheduled lessons during a season. This will apply to very few families. Serenity Swimming is very understanding but canceling lessons means another child isn't able to have a lesson and 1 lesson closer to being a safe swimmer. There is a limited amount of spaces available and demand outpaces availability so please be considerate.

Serenity Swimming will not tolerate distributive behavior.

Kindness: Our instructors give all their energy and focus during swim lessons. Please be kind. Our goal at Serenity Swimming is to prioritize ALL children (and adults). If you try to have us prioritize your child over others, its very hard on instructors.

Respect: Families that do not show respect, will not be able to continue lessons. Please remember, our instructors are teaching lessons and also need to spend time with their families and sleep. The number 1 reason why swim instructors stop teaching is not being respected. We don't want to loose talented instructors.

Consequences: Not following policies will result in lessons not permitted to continuing.

Swim lesson packages purchased should be used within a 12 month time. Unexpected injuries, illness and life events happen, so simply communicate your needs. 

If you have any questions, concerns or comments, please reach out. We are on the same team!

For winter, snow, ice and freezing rain situations will evaluate on safely getting to/from home for both instructor and swimmer's family (again either can declare weather unsuitable and reschedule/ cancel no penalty). Jenni lives closer to Mount Airy on a curvy, hilly road that tends to get more snow than the city of Frederick so even if it doesn't look bad where you are, the lesson might be canceled. John lives in Frederick and is from Michigan so might be able to get to a lesson when Jenni can't.